
Classes - Stalker

[Mastery] Level 5 [Requirement] Rogue's Divest Weapon Level 1. Only works against enemies using Sword weapons. Parry 3 attacks from an enemy and receive ...

divine-pride.net Skilltree

Basic Skill. 9. 9. Double Attack. 0. 10. Steal. 0. 10 ; First Aid. 0. 1. Improve Dodge. 0. 10. Hiding. 0. 10.

General tips for new players? :

Discord STAY OUT: https://discord.gg/6B4Qf8C #How to get the weapon,armor,loot,equipment,money,reputation #Important information #Leveling character skills.

Getting Started | Stalker Online Wiki

Pay attention to what you hear - it can save your life. Skills can be reset once every 24hours with the command /ichangedmymind. PvP Tips. Beware of Players ...

Guides and news Stalker Online

Our team of experts is writing game guides that will help you understand all the intricacies of Stalker Online. We cover the best tactics, weapons, gear and ...

Skill Simulator and Planner :: Stalker :

This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Stalker. Plan your characters' skills in Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO Skill Simulator ...


2020年5月20日 — If you're being pursued by a Stalker, you'd best give up all hope of escape. They specialize in spying, sabotage and stalking, stalking, ...

Stalker Skill Description

Ragnarok Online Stalker skill effect and description. Everything about Stalker, skill tree, skill simulator and other important skill info like range, ...

คู่มือ :

#How to get the weapon,armor,loot,equipment,money,reputation #Important information #Leveling character skills. Stay Out! #List of important places with ...


[Mastery]Level5[Requirement]Rogue'sDivestWeaponLevel1.OnlyworksagainstenemiesusingSwordweapons.Parry3attacksfromanenemyandreceive ...,BasicSkill.9.9.DoubleAttack.0.10.Steal.0.10;FirstAid.0.1.ImproveDodge.0.10.Hiding.0.10.,DiscordSTAYOUT:https://discord.gg/6B4Qf8C#Howtogettheweapon,armor,loot,equipment,money,reputation#Importantinformation#Levelingcharacterskills.,Payattentiontowhatyouhear-itca...